Jeffrey S. Deckman,
Jeffrey S. Deckman,
Jeffrey S. Deckman,
all change all day, every day and so does everyone and everything else. Yet the
mere thought of “Change” causes more disruption, fear and paralysis in people,
and organizations, than almost anything I can think of, except perhaps death
and public speaking. So, this article is going to focus on the subject
of Change and what we can do to help our organizations, and the people in them, to go from fearing Change
to enveloping it and becoming Changed or “Transformed”.
am not going to talk about Change from the standpoint of how disruptive it can
be. Instead I want to explore the subject and explain some of the
dynamics that get activated when people are faced with changes to their
environment. In addition, I will give some insights into how to assist people
to productively move through Change.
First things First
will start out by arguing against the myth that people fear change. Believing
that people naturally fear change is not only a limiting presumption but it is
simply not true. And I can prove
you decided to buy a new car today would the thought of changing your old car
for a new car scare you? I think not. What if you just found out that you won
the lottery? Would the prospect of
your life changing in such a way strike terror in you? Or, what about the
change that comes from getting a sought after promotion or from being accepted
at the college of your choice?
each of these situations would your initial and primary response be one of fear or excitement?
point is that we don’t fear change. What we fear is that which we perceive will
result in a decrease in stability or security. We also fear that which we don’t
understand. At the core of all of this is the fact that we fear anything which
threatens our sense of control.
the other hand if a change occurs that we either quickly understand; feel as
though we can control or is something we feel will result in our becoming
better off, we greet that change with excitement and anticipation.
then stands to reason that if you want to minimize the impact a change will
have on your organization you must focus upon helping people to understand the
reasons for the change as well as the probable impact, positive or negative,
the change may have on them.
The Importance of
that being understood it is easy to see that effective Communication is a major
component that determines how quickly people and organizations adapt to change.
But it is important to remember that communication does not mean simply
talking. Studies have shown that only 7% of our communication comes from the
words we speak. Another 35% is in the tone we use and the remaining 57% is via
body language. There is a lot which impacts how we communicate.
communication is also not just communicating your side of the story, it is
bi-directional. The way to achieve true communication is best described by
Steven Covey, who is perhaps the world’s foremost expert on the subject. He
tells us to “First seek to understand
and then seek to be understood.”
is required to understand someone is to first create a safe zone for them to
express themselves and encourage them to do so. Understand that their concerns
are valid to them, allow them to express these concerns and then LISTEN!
the way, simply being quiet while the other person is talking is not listening.
To really listen requires that you engage them in a dialogue to insure that you
understand them. (This is called Active Listening) Even if you do not share
their concerns seek to understand them as it is in that understanding which you
will find the keys as to how to best address their concerns.
The Importance of Trust
you are going to attempt to effectively communicate you must first understand
that there is no Communication without Trust. If you are talking to someone and
either of you don’t trust the other there is no effective communication taking
place. There is only positioning and limited honesty. “Seeking to understand”
quickly establishes that you care about the other person and that builds trust.
As trust grows so too grows the level and quality of your communication. They
are directly linked together.
way to build trust is by being tactful and respectful in your communications.
If you are careful with your words and are considerate you will find that
people will react much in the same way back to you.
never underestimate another person’s ability to detect when, and if, you are
being disingenuous. We all have a sixth sense about that and while you may be
saying all the right words if you aren’t being truthful either your tone or
your body language will betray you.
you can see gaining someone’s trust is complex. In fact I would argue that it
is so complex that you shouldn’t even attempt it if you aren’t completely
serious about earning it.
The 3 Stages that lead
from “Change to Changed”
far we have been setting the stage for change to occur. This next part will
briefly describe the 3 stages that people, and organizations, go through as
they evolve from being unsettled about a change to settling into it.
3 stages of this evolution are Change, Transition and Transformation.
first step can be defined both as a situational phenomenon that may sometimes
be temporary as well as what the person feels hey are being called upon to do;
for instance, when a situation changes people are then called upon to change.
change refers to any number of “newness” elements ranging from a departmental
shift to the appointment of a new boss. Changing events are seen as external to
us and are reflective of a shift in our environment. Yet changes in people are always internal first and they
challenge us to shift our consciousness if we are to adapt.
is the end result of an event or an intervention. People’s typical initial
response to change is reactive, sporadic and unpredictable. It is a time of
uncertainty of conditions and a period of unpredictability in people.
next step refers to people’s evolving response to Change. It refers to the
psychological adaptation and early acceptance to a changed environment. This
process pertains to the shifting “hearts and minds of employees. It is in this
mental state of Transition where employees are deciding to “let go” of old ways
and begin embracing a new way.
this process occurs on an individual level (implicitly also at each
individual’s pace), it is arguably the single most unpredictable element in the
management of change to transformation. It is at this critical point where
people either “snap back to grid” and retain their original mindset or they
begin to adapt to the existing conditions and evolve into the new environment.
So care must be taken as you seek to assist them through this stage as it is in
this area where it is determined who moves forward and who falls back.
point marks the final stage in the Change process. Transformation is when
acceptance, adaptation, assimilation and a settled adjustment occurs within the
people as well as in the organization. This is when the mindset of the people
is in alignment with the new conditions existing around the organization. The
people and the organization have evolved to adapt to the same set of conditions
and are once again working in synergy to move forward.
was once considered Change is now considered the “norm”.
things settle down once again…..until the next round. And the system repeats
thing to remember about the 3 Stages of Change is that in the first phase you
and your employees feel disoriented and perhaps fearful. You must then
establish Trust in order to establish effective Communications.
level of Trust and Communication that you establish then becomes the single
largest factor in determining how many, and who, make it through the precarious
Transition stage.
who make it through that stage will be the ones who have not only Transformed
themselves but who have also identified themselves as the ones who can be
depended upon to help transform your organization into one that is adaptive,
sustainable and very resilient.
that is a powerful formula for success.
Jeffrey Deckman is the founder of Capability Accelerators and the creator of the Bigger Know Principles of Leadership. ( He is an expert at building agile and resilient leadership teams and cultures that increase morale, productivity and profitability. He can be reached at
Jeffrey Deckman is the founder of Capability Accelerators and the creator of the Bigger Know Principles of Leadership. ( He is an expert at building agile and resilient leadership teams and cultures that increase morale, productivity and profitability. He can be reached at
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